被徐悲鸿视为“五百年来第一人也”的张大千,无疑是20世纪中国艺坛上卓越不凡的天才。他从“入古”和“出古”,“仿古”和“创新”的过程中,发展了自己独特的风格,在20世纪绘画史上占据了无可取代的重要地位。拟仿古画深得神韵 1919年,张大千在上海分别拜入前清名士曾熙和名书家李瑞清门下习画。曾熙和李瑞清皆是典型的文人,传统的学养礼教很深,而且两人俱是石涛的爱好者,张大千深受其影响,习画非常注重传统的笔墨精神,以研习临摹石涛着手,兼取石溪、八大、弘仁、明四家及董
Zhang Daqian, regarded by Xu Beihong as “the first person in five hundred years,” is undoubtedly the extraordinary talent in the 20th century Chinese art scene. He developed his own unique style from “entering the ancient” and “ancient”, “antique” and “innovation”, occupying an irreplaceable important position in the history of 20th century painting. In 1919, Zhang Daqian in Shanghai paid a visit to Li Qingqing, a former celebrity of the Qing Dynasty who studied painting. Zeng Xi and Li Ruiqing are typical literati, the traditional scholarly education is deep, and both are Shi Tao lovers, Zhang Daqian deeply affected by the painting is very much focused on the spirit of the traditional pen and ink to study Shida Tao proceed, and take the stone Creek, eight, Hong Ren, Ming four and Dong