
来源 :旅游纵览(下半月) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:homejang
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横向考察近十年五大连风景区旅游人次与旅游收入,可发现五大连池风景区近几年在生态旅游方面发展迅速,来此康乐疗养的游客不断增加。但在发展过程中仍出现了诸如经济效益和环境效益不和谐、当地居民与旅游者冲突不断、生态旅游规划与实际情况不符、基础设施建设不完善等。通过对五大连池风景区自然资源和人文资源开发现状分析,并着重调查其规划开发的有利条件,本文提出了社区参与、功能分区和休闲体验三种开发模式,为五大连池风景区生态旅游规划开发提供理论支持和实践指导。 In the recent five years, the tourist attractions of Wudalianchi Scenic Area and the tourist revenue of Wudalianchi Scenic Area have been examined horizontally. In recent years, the development of eco-tourism has been rapidly developed. However, in the process of development, such as the discord between economic benefits and environmental benefits, the constant conflict between local residents and tourists, the inconsistency between eco-tourism planning and actual conditions, and the imperfect infrastructure construction. Through the analysis of the status quo of the development of natural resources and human resources in Wudalianchi Scenic Spot and the investigation of the favorable conditions of its planning and development, this paper proposes three development modes of community participation, functional zoning and leisure experience to provide theory for the planning and development of eco-tourism in Wudalianchi Scenic Spot Support and practical guidance.
○ 2 0 0 3年 1 2月 2 2日 ,湖北省科学技术期刊编辑学会年终总结表彰大会在汉口举行。来自会员单位的 30 0多位代表出席会议。《交通高教研究》编辑部等 41个单位荣获 2 0 0
把握机遇 进一步繁荣发展哲学社会科学@本刊编辑部 Grasp the Opportunity to Further Prosperity and Development of Philosophy and Social Sciences @ Editorial
10月 16日 ,珠江委召开主任办公会议 ,传达贯彻最近召开的全国水利厅局长座谈会议精神 ,结合珠江流域实际 ,专题研讨新时期珠江的治水思路。与会同志指出 ,要把全国水利厅局
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黑土坡水电站位于四川省阿坝藏族羌族自治州汶川县境内、岷江上游右岸支流寿溪照壁杠至牟家店河段上 ,为闸坝引水式水电站 ,水工建筑物由闸坝首部枢纽、引水系统及厂区枢纽等