观段镇铭的山水画,其“以林泉之心志,写山川之秀美”,是给观者的最大感受。 段镇铭,字棅允,号一石。自幼师承祖辈文采,少年时期受黑伯龙、关有声诸先生书画熏陶,和翰墨结下不解之缘。拜师访友,博览群书,临写历代名家墨迹,博采众家之长,沉浸于中国书画传统钩玄氛围,默默笔耕40余载。近年又得王学仲等名师指教,其艺术境界不断升华,厚积而薄发。如果说中国山水画可分
View section Zhenming’s landscape painting, its “Lin Quan’s intentions, write beautiful mountains and rivers,” is to give the viewer the greatest feeling. Duan Zhen Ming, word 棅 allow, number one stone. Since childhood, his ancestors Shijiu Cai, Juvenile period by the Heibei Long, Guan Sheng Mr. Zhu painting and calligraphy influence, and John Mo was settled. Appreciate friends and friends, read the book, write Pro famous ink, draw upon the public long, immersed in the traditional Chinese calligraphy hook mysterious atmosphere, silently writing for more than 40 years. In recent years, Wang Xuezhong and other masters have been entertained, and its artistic realm is constantly sublimated, thick and thin hair. If you can say Chinese landscape painting