1997年,王选成为“侵华日军细菌战中国受害者诉讼原告团”团长。从那时开始,她带领着180名当年日军细菌战的受害者踏上了对日诉讼索赔之路。漫漫长路,有人动摇,有人放弃,但她始终坚持不懈, 一如既往地呐喊着争取着。作为一个女人,王选的美不在于容颜如何美丽, 也不在于华服如何瑰丽,甚至不在于她有怎样的智慧和才能,而在于她拥有一腔民族正义,并能为伸张这正义十年如一日坚韧到底。
In 1997, Wang Xuan became the head of the “Chinese Victims Lawsuit Prosecuted by the Japanese Army.” Since then, she has led 180 victims of the Japanese Bacteriological War onto the Japanese lawsuit. A long road, some people waver, some people give up, but she always persevere, as always, shout for the fight. As a woman, the beauty of the election of the king is not about how beautiful the face is, nor about how beautiful the dress is, nor how she has the wisdom and talent, but rather that she possesses a national ethic and can do justice to justice for ten years Day tough in the end.