This is a moving and thought-provoking story. In the 1950s, a nameless old hunter with long hair and pedal long boots in northern Tibet was hunted by its magical marksmanship in the depths of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau to kill and prey on various prey to feed itself Poor pilgrims encountered. One morning early in the morning, when the old hunter came out of his tent and stretched out, and was preparing to drink a cup of butter tea, he suddenly saw a fertile Tibetan antelope standing on the grass slope opposite the two steps. His eyes light up, sleeping all night, he immediately came up with a fresh momentum, without hesitation, turned around and returned to the tent brought a twig gun. He fired his gun. Strangely enough, the fat Tibetan antelope did not flee, but looked at him with begging eyes, and then proceeded two steps toward him, two before