记得上中学的时候,学校的条件还很差,几乎没有什么实验课,学到物理光学部分的时候,学校组织学生到当地的一所师范学院物理系参观,我在那里第一次见到一台很小的H_E—N_E激光器,被告知小小的激光器竟然比太阳还要亮觉得非常惊讶;看到在学校里同学们用普通光源费尽九牛二虎之力也做不出来的光的干涉、衍射实验,用激光器轻而易举地就能实现,别提有多兴奋了。兴奋之余对物理的兴趣陡然增加,没想到后来与激光器竟结下了不解之缘。 说到激光器,就不能不赞叹科学的
I remember in high school, the conditions of the school is still poor, almost no experimental class, to learn the physical optics part, the school organized students to visit a local Normal University Physics Department, where I first saw a Very small H_E-N_E laser was told that the small laser was actually even brighter than the sun was very surprised; to see the students in the school with a normal light source to make irresistible force can not do the light interference , Diffraction experiments, with lasers can be easily achieved, let alone how excited. The excitement over the sudden increase in the interest in physics, did not think later with the laser actually formed an indissoluble bond. Speaking of lasers, can not help but praise the science