Constructed a two-supplier-single-manufacturer synergetic supply model based on different delivery strategies. After analyzing and expatiating on the delivery window of the protocol based on the delivery date of delivery agreement 1 and the controllable delivery period based on cost sharing strategy 2, we set up the delivery window under the strategy 1 based on the delivery date of the agreement Based on the strategy 2, a two-supplier-single manufacturer coordination optimization model based on controllable delivery time is established under the cost-sharing mechanism, and a two-supplier-single-manufacturer stackelberg game model is given. Algorithm for solving the optimal value. Then, we analyze the sharing cost of delivery cost under strategy 2 over strategy 1, and give the range of sharing coefficient. Based on this, we establish the asymmetric Nash negotiation cost-sharing coordination strategy . Finally, through several examples, it analyzes and compares the two delivery strategies and verifies that the sharing coordination strategy in this paper is effective.