1月3日,中国乒乓球男队开赴厦门,开始了备战47届世乒赛团体赛及28届奥运会的封闭训练。因为47届世乒赛团体赛的时间距离现在比较近,3月1日就开始打,所以我们还是把这次备战的重点放在了47届团体赛上。 这次封闭训练总共51天,是近几年来大赛前封闭训练时间最长的一次。我们教练组把这51天分成两个阶段,第一段从1月3日到1月26日,由
January 3, the Chinese table tennis men’s team marched to Xiamen, began preparations for the 47 World Championships team competition and the 28 Olympic Games closed training. Because the time of the 47th World Table Tennis Championships team competition is now relatively close, March 1 began to play, so we still focus on this preparation for the 47th team competition. The closed training for a total of 51 days, is the longest closed training time before the contest in recent years. Our coaching staff divided the 51 days into two phases, the first from January 3 to January 26 by