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关于《离骚》中的宓妃,三国如淳和宋洪兴祖认为是宓羲氏之女,清屈复和近人游国恩先生认为是宓羲氏之妃,近人姜亮夫先生认为是夏王朝昏君“夷羿”之妻,今人李炳海认为是宓羲氏之母,是一位感应生子、传奇色彩极浓的女性。由于只是提出一些观点,未能进一步考证论述,所以在学术界没能引起足够重视。但通过对宓妃身份这一问题的确切考证,可使长期纠缠不清的《离骚》中“求女”的比兴内涵问题得以解决。所以现将有关宓妃身份的不同观点的论证进行梳理评述,以期对《离骚》中宓妃身份研究有所裨益。 As for Li Fei in Li Sao, the Three Kingdoms, such as Chun and Song Hong Hsien-tzu, were regarded as the daughter of Xi, and Qing Qufu and his late husband, Gui En, regarded it as the concubine of Xi Xi’s. Yi Yi “wife, Lee Bing-hai today is the mother of Xi Xi, is a sensitive child, legendary women. As only put forward some ideas, failed to further verify the argument, so in academia failed to pay enough attention. However, through the exact textual research on the identity of the imperial concubine, the connotation of the philosophical connotation of ”seeking a woman“ in the long-tangled Li Sao can be solved. Therefore, we will sort out the arguments about the different viewpoints of the imperial concubine identity in the hope of benefiting the concubine identity research in the ”Li Sao".
作者等于1972年从东京西部郊外的立川市 K 幼儿园一次猩红热的流行中,作了较全面的临床观察研究(立川市猩红热历年发病率在100/10万左右,比东京都10—15/10万明显高)。 The