J163《中华人民共和国成立四十周年》小型张是第一次在一枚邮票上画出我国56个民族的“全家福”,图稿作者就是后来设计1999-11《民族大团结》邮票的周秀青同她的丈夫金捷中。 为了便于识别图中众多人物形象所代表的民族,笔者在小型张上的人物身旁加注了编号(1.汉 2.蒙古 3.回 4.藏 5.维吾尔 6.苗 7.彝 8.壮 9.布依 10.
J163 “The 40th Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China” The mini-sheet is the first time that it has drawn the “family portrait” of 56 ethnic groups on a single stamp. The author of the draft is Zhou Xiuqing, who later designed the “Great National Unity” stamp in 1999-11. With her husband Jin Jiezhong. In order to facilitate the identification of a multitude of people represented in the image of the nation, the author on the miniature figures next to the number (1. Han 2. Mongolia 3. Back 4. Tibetan 5. Uygur 6. Miao 7. Yi 8. Zhuang 9. Bouyei 10.