从本期开始,我们将推出本刊记者所撰写的西部大开发系列文章:“抓住千古良机,振兴大好山河”。贵州的特色在山水、优势在通道。这种特色与优势,是在西部大开发的特定历史背景下凸显出来的。能否在抢抓机遇中较快地振兴大好山河,实现富民兴黔,首先在于我们有没有定位准确的开发思路和改革方略。为此,在首期推出观念篇《转过身 天地新》之后,我们还将推出定位篇、破题篇、项目篇、特色篇、改革篇等系列文章,旨在抛砖引玉,使我省更多的志士仁人参与建言献策,投入到“西部大开发,贵州怎么干”的大讨论中来。
Starting from this issue, we will launch a series of articles on western development written by our correspondents: “Seize the golden opportunity to rejuvenate the great rivers and mountains.” Guizhou features landscapes, the advantage in the channel. Such features and advantages are highlighted under the specific historical background of the grand western development. Whether we can revitalize great rivers and mountains faster in the opportunity of seizing gratification and realize the goal of enriching the people and prosperity in Guizhou Province lies above all in that we have not positioned the accurate development ideas and reform strategies. To this end, in the first issue of concept articles “turned around new world”, we will also launch positioning articles, breaking articles, articles, special articles, articles and other articles of reform, designed to attract more people to make our province more Chester and people involved in making suggestions and suggestions, into the “Western Development, Guizhou how to do” discussion.