
来源 :浙江教育科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cxxxcs
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有人的地方,就有江湖。江湖,刀光剑影,血雨腥风。校园这片人世间最美丽的杏林,花香阵阵,书声琅琅;静谧、谐和……公元一九九二年秋,我满怀着教育的虔诚和神圣感,还有那种心灵的年轻感、自豪感,踏上这片人世间最纯净、最纯美的土地,希望把自己个体生命中最美好的东西———智慧、激情、灵感、才华、知识、涵养……还有爱,熔铸并外化为一种独特的人格魅力,春风化雨般地去滋润一些更年轻、更纯美的生命…… Somewhere, there are rivers and lakes. Rivers and lakes, Swords, bloody. In the autumn of 1992, I was filled with the pious and sacred feeling of education, and the kind of youthful feeling of the soul. In the autumn of 1992, Pride, embark on the purest and purest land in this world, hoping to put the best things in your own life --- wisdom, passion, inspiration, talent, knowledge, conservation ... as well as love, casting and merging Into a unique personality charm, the spring weather to moisturize some of the younger, more pure life ......