世界上不到 5%的出版物被翻译成盲文,或者以声音文件形式出版。美国加州一个非赢利性技术研究机构Benetech(福利技术)希望借助国际互联网的帮助改变这一令人悲哀的状况。Benetech最近开通了Bookshare.org(书籍共享)网站——一个为视力障碍的人开设的网上图书馆。Bookshare的服务器存储
Less than 5% of the world’s publications are translated into Braille or published as sound files. Benetech (Welfare Technology), a non-profit technology research institute in California, hopes to change this sad situation with the help of the Internet. Benetech recently opened Bookshare. org (book-sharing) website - an online library for visually impaired people. Bookshare server storage