调整战略布局 优化产业结构 青岛化企欲借搬迁实现凤凰涅槃

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青岛化工企业搬迁取得了一个又一个节点性的胜利,目前,海晶化工40万吨/年聚氯乙烯搬迁项目正有序推进,单项投资最大的低温乙烯储运装置完成桩基浇筑,海湾液体化工港务公司码头项目主体浇筑已完工;青岛双桃精细化工在平度新河的8.2万吨/年化工中间体二期项目已完成施工图设计;青岛碱业已完成董家口952亩土地签约,22.5 At present, the relocation project of 400,000 tons / year PVC of Haijing Chemical Industry is proceeding in an orderly manner. The single low-temperature ethylene storage and transportation unit with the largest investment has completed the pile foundation pouring, and the liquid in the Gulf Chemical port company pier project has been completed pouring; Qingdao Double Peach Fine Chemical in Pingdu New River 82,000 tons / year chemical intermediate two projects have completed the construction design; Qingdao Alkali completed 952 acres of land contract Dongjakou, 22.5