Quartz and clinoenstatite exsolutions in clinopyroxene of garnet-pyroxenolite from the North Dabie M

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The exsolution lamellae of quartz and clinoen-statite are idenfied in diopside of garnet-pyroxenolite from the North Dabie Mountain by transmission electron microscopy, which is interpreted that the lamellae are originally exsolved from a former ultra-high-pressure clinopyroxene due to decreasing of pressure. Study of petrography shows that there is compositional zoning hi the diopside itself. It is implied that the garnet-pyroxenolite had undergone intensive high-temperature granulite fades and high-amphibolitic fades retrogressive metamorphism, while the peridotite (the garnet-pyroxenolite’s host rock) emplaced the crust The exsolution lamellae of quartz and clinoen-statite are idenfied in diopside of garnet-pyroxenolite from the North Dabie Mountain by transmission electron microscopy, which is interpreted that the lamellae are originally exsolved from a former ultra-high-pressure clinopyroxene due to decreasing of pressure Study of petrography shows that there is compositional zoning hi the diopside itself. It is implied that the garnet-pyroxenolite had undergone intensive high-temperature granulite fades and high-amphibolitic fades retrogressive metamorphism, while the peridotite (the garnet-pyroxenolite’s host rock) emplaced the crust
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