情系江河 服务社会——45年来我国水文事业的回顾

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建国45年来,我国水文事业随着国民经济建设的迫切需要不断发展壮大,它赢得“防汛抗灾的耳目”、“水利水电建设的尖兵”的殊荣,跻身于水利基础产业大军,在水资源开发利用、防汛减灾斗争中发挥了巨大的社会经济效益。在改革开放的形势下,国民经济高速发展,水旱灾害带来的损失越来越大,水资源短缺和水环境恶化日趋严重,身居“尖兵”和“耳目”的水文事业,在国民经济建设中的地位和作用与日俱增。 一、从无到有,从小到大,从老到新 中国是一个幅员辽阔、河流众多的文明古国。在有文字记载的5000多年的历史中,有关对水文现象的观察,利用水文规律兴修水利、抗御水旱灾害的记述,浩如烟海。但水文作为一门科学和独立的基础事业则萌芽于近代。鸦片战争后,帝国主义列强为了掠夺中国资源,开 In the 45 years since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the hydrological undertaking of our country has continuously expanded and developed with the urgent need of the national economy construction. It won the “eyes and ears of flood control and disaster resistance” and “the vanguard of water conservancy and hydropower construction”, which ranks among the major forces in the water conservancy foundation industry. , Flood control and disaster reduction has played a huge social and economic benefits. Under the situation of reform and opening up, due to the rapid development of the national economy, increasing losses caused by floods and droughts, the shortage of water resources and the worsening of the water environment, the hydrological undertakings of “pioneers” and “eyes and ears” The status and role of construction are increasing. First, from scratch, from small to large, from old to new China is a vast and vast river of ancient civilizations. In over 5,000 years of documented history, there are numerous reports on the observation of hydrological phenomena and the use of hydrological laws to build water conservancy and resist floods and droughts. However, hydrology, as a science and independent foundation, sprouted in modern times. After the Opium War, the imperialist powers started to plunder China’s resources
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