
来源 :河北教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lovesnow
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《河北教育》从今年第一期开始,开辟“我来说两句”栏目,撷取学校教育领域中富有争议的问题展开讨论,百家争鸣、各抒己见。本期讨论的话题为小学生“要不要背着手听课”。背着手听课现象由来已久,特别是在农村小学尢为普遍,在倡导主体教学、开放教学的今天,还要不要这种行为?本期编发的稿子,全是富有多年教学经验的教师所撰写,他们的见解最具有代表性。以后每期所讨论的话题,《河北教育》将及时刊出,欢迎广大教师踊跃参与。 Beginning with the first phase of this year, “Hebei Education” opens up a section entitled “Two of Me.” It explores controversial issues in the field of school education. The topic for discussion in this issue is for primary school students, “Do you want to go to school?” Carrying out the phenomenon of listening to a long time, especially in rural primary schools is particularly prevalent in advocating the main teaching, open teaching today, but also do not want this behavior? This issue of manuscripts, all written by teachers with many years of teaching experience, their views are the most representative. After each issue discussed, “Hebei Education” will be published in a timely manner, the majority of teachers are welcome to participate.
<正>教学内容:小数加减法。(五年制小学数学课本第七册第23页例1、例2) 教学目的:使学生理解和掌握小数加减法的计算法则,并能正确地进行计算。 教学重点:小数加减法的计算