
来源 :第三军医大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zz_mars
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人工流产是妇产科门诊常见的手术之一,但由于手术对患者的身体造成一定的创伤,因此对其心理健康也会产生不良的影响[1-4]。尤其是未婚女性,不仅受到来自自身躯体、社会的心理压力,还担心因人工流产可能造成的对以后生育的影响。随着当代生物-心理-社会医学模式的转变,心理健康受到更多的重视。本研究对未婚妇女采用SCL-90量表进行健康评估,为不同人群的干预提供必要的理论支撑。 Induced abortion is one of the common surgeries in obstetrics and gynecology clinic. However, due to some trauma to the patient’s body caused by surgery, adverse effects on mental health will also occur [1-4]. Especially unmarried women, not only from their own body, the psychological pressure from society, but also worried about the possible impact of abortion on future childbirth. With the change of contemporary biological-psychological-social medical model, mental health receives more attention. In this study, unmarried women using SCL-90 scale for health assessment, for the intervention of different populations to provide the necessary theoretical support.