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石家庄市井陉矿区以巩固提升国家级慢病防控示范区为契机,全力推进健康促进示范区创建工作,通过强化组织领导、完善组织保障、落实基线调查、抓好示范创建、营造支持氛围、着力重点宣传等措施,全面提升全区居民健康素养水平,为全面建成小康社会提供了强力保障。坚持政府主导,完善组织保障,形成全民参与健康促进的良好格局近年来,随着群众生活水平的提高和生活习惯 Shijiazhuang Jingxing Mining Area takes the opportunity of consolidating and upgrading the national-level chronic disease prevention and control demonstration area and vigorously promotes the establishment of a health promotion demonstration area. By strengthening organizational leadership, improving organizational support, implementing baseline surveys, setting a good example for demonstration and creating a supportive atmosphere, Key propaganda and other measures to raise the overall level of health literacy of residents in the region and provide a strong guarantee for the comprehensive construction of a well-to-do society. Adhere to the government-led, improve organizational security, the formation of a good pattern of universal participation in health promotion In recent years, with the improvement of living standards and living habits