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在大多数人眼里,探险家是一群浪漫的家伙,背着行囊浪迹天涯,风餐露宿,游历名山大川,征服无水的沙漠、狂奔的河流、险峻的高山,在人迹罕至的地方谈笑风生,不要问他从哪里来,不要问他到哪里去……而实际上,走近他们,探险家们形单影只的背影里都隐藏着不为人知的孤独与辛酸,“万水千山走遍”之中的浪漫是上千次濒临死亡的代价换来的,走在探险的路上,每一天也就是走在生死路上。惟有生死的考验,才能将人与自然的距离拉到最近;也惟有逃生之后,才让探险家们更加理解生命对人类、对自然的深切意义。“单车独行侠”傅庆胜傅庆胜,1981年到1987年孤身一人骑着自行车闯荡天下,纵横驰骋,先后9次跨过长江,13次越过浊浪拍天的黄河,一共游历了30个省、自治区和直辖市,途经1130个城镇,旅程长达5.7万公里,人称“单车独行侠”。在傅庆胜单车独骑闯荡天下的生涯中,有着太多次与 In the eyes of most people, the explorer is a group of romantic guy, carrying bags wandering End of the World, dinner, traveling famous mountains and rivers, conquer the desert without water, running rivers, steep mountains, inaccessible places laughing, do not ask him Where do you come from? Do not ask where he is going ... In fact, approaching them, the backs of explorers are hidden in the shadow of the unknown loneliness and bitterness, “thousands of miles traveled,” the romance is thousands In return for the price of the verge of death, walking on the road to adventure, every day is walking on the road to life and death. Only by the test of life and death will we be able to draw the distance between man and nature most recently. Only after we have escaped will explorers better understand the profound meaning of life to mankind and nature. “Bike Lone Ranger” Fu Qingsheng Fu Qingsheng, from 1981 to 1987, uninvited himself riding a bicycle to make his way to the world. He traveled across the Yangtze River 9 times successively, 13 times over the Yellow River that shot cloudy days and traveled a total of 30 provinces and autonomous regions Municipalities directly under the jurisdiction of 1130 cities and towns, the journey of up to 57,000 km, known as “cycling lone man.” In Fu Qingsheng cycling alone riding career in the world, there are too many times and
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