
来源 :施工企业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:angie133
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有色施工企业内部一期经济承包责任制和它对有色总公司的承包在时间上基本同步,到去年年底企业内部一期承包已告结束,今年二期承包已经开始。从一期承包的实施效果看,调动了企业各个层次和职工的积极性,促进了生产的发展和经济效益的提高。但也存在一些问题,如承包人的素质、承包指标的设置和基数的确定、内部层次责权利的划 The first phase of the economic contract responsibility system in non-ferrous construction enterprises is basically synchronized with the contracting of non-ferrous parent companies. By the end of last year, the first phase of contracting within the company has ended, and contracting in the second phase of this year has begun. From the implementation results of the first-phase contracting, the enthusiasm of all levels and employees of the company has been mobilized, and the development of production and the improvement of economic efficiency have been promoted. However, there are also some problems, such as the quality of the contractor, the setting of the contract index and the determination of the base number, and the internal level of responsibility
近几个月来,四川省通江县外出务工的打工民兵纷纷回到家乡,争先购买当地的山平塘、“五荒四园”和乡镇企业,置办家业,把家业当成企业办。 近年来,通江县每年外出务工的民兵
韩庄煤矿隶属于山东省新泰市西张庄乡,1979年兴建,1985年底投产。全矿现有干部职工1020人,拥有固定资产580万元;原设计能力为年年9万吨。现年 Hanzhuang Coal Mine is unde
东北电业管理局第一工程公司中标承包广东大亚湾核电站辅助系统(BOP)设备安装工程,在各单项工程(LOT)均设有国内施工企业未曾设置的“力达”。“力达”,系英文 Le-ader 的译
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随着人民监督员制度的全面推行,笔者从人民监督员的选任方式、监督范围和监督程序等方面阐述了司法独立原则在人民监督制度下的具体体现。 With the full implementation of