
来源 :Journal of Marine Science and Application | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wang_fly
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In this study,a 2kHz Tonpilz projector was designed using a Terfenol-D and modeled in ATILA.For the purpose of modeling studies,it has been determined that a radiating head mass exhibits better transmitting current response(TCR) at 136 mm diameter,where the resonance occurs at 2.4kHz and the peak value of 118 dB re 1 μPa/A at 1 m occurs at 12 kHz.Also bolt at a 46mm distance from the center of the head mass offers resonance at 2.4kHz,and the peak value of 115.3 dB re 1 μPa/A at 1m occurs at 11.5kHz.This optimized design is fabricated and molded with polyurethane of 3mm thickness.The prototype was tested at the Acoustic Test Facility(ATF) of National Institute of Ocean Technology(NIOT) for its underwater performances.Based on the result,the fundamental resonance was determined to be 2.18kHz and the peak value of TCR of 182 dB re 1 μPa/A at 1m occurs at 14 kHz.The maximum value of the RS was found to be -190 dB re 1V/μPa at 1m at a frequency of 2.1kHz. In this study, a 2 kHz Tonpilz projector was designed using a Terfenol-D and modeled in ATILA. For the purpose of modeling studies, it has been determined that a radiating head mass exhibits better currents (TCR) at 136 mm diameter, where the resonance occurs at 2.4 kHz and the peak value of 118 dB re 1 μPa / A at 1 m occurs at 12 kHz .Also bolt at a 46mm distance from the center of the head mass offers resonance at 2.4 kHz, and the peak value of 115.3 dB re 1 μPa / A at 1m occurs at 11.5kHz. This optimized design is fabricated and molded with polyurethane of 3mm thickness. The prototype was tested at the Acoustic Test Facility (ATF) of National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT) for its underwater performance. Based on the result, the fundamental resonance was determined to be 2.18 kHz and the peak value of TCR of 182 dB re 1 μPa / A at 1m occurs at 14 kHz. The maximum value of the RS was found to be -190 dB re 1V / μPa at 1m at a frequency of 2.1kHz.
一、古诗词默写  1.根据提示将下列诗句补充完整。  (1)不应有恨,____________?(苏轼《水调歌头(明月几时有)》)  (2)树绕村庄,____________。倚东风,______________。(秦观《行香子(树绕村庄)》)  (3)因思杜陵梦,_______________。(温庭筠《商山早行》)  (4)____________,月是故乡明。(杜甫《月夜忆舍弟》)  (5)