Lacquer painting and traditional lines are important Chinese elements. Elegant and elegant lines, tactful and effective in the Chinese painting has been a bunch of research, and relative to the lacquer painting, on the one hand, has not yet formed a systematic line with the theory of lacquer. To explore the creative, spiritual, artistry of lacquer lines is conducive to the artist’s thorough understanding and use of lines to create lacquer painting. On the other hand, the unique formal beauty of lines, the dynamic of rhythm and the Chinese spirit in oriental philosophy make it indispensable in any form of artistic creation. Chinese lacquer painting is even more closely linked with the lines in the development of history. Modern lacquer painting should, based on the traditional lacquer painting, innovate the handling of lines so as to issue the voice in line with the new era. The article begins with the origin of traditional lacquer and lines and briefly discusses the traditional line elements in Chinese lacquer painting so as to enhance the lacquer learners’ emphasis and innovation on the use of lines.