眼部猪囊尾蚴病目前在我国一些地区常有发生,是严重危害视力的眼病。国内文献屡有报导。我院自1973~1986年间住院手术治疗眼球内猪囊尾蚴病66例,总结报告如下: 临床资料我院1973~1986年间眼科门诊初诊患者
Ocular swine cysticercosis is currently common in some areas of our country, is a serious eye hazard eye disease. Domestic literature has repeatedly reported. 66 cases of cysticercosis in the eye were treated in our hospital from 1973 to 1986, the summary report is as follows: Clinical data The newly diagnosed patients in our hospital from 1973 to 1986