Inflection point: a perspective on photonic nanojets

来源 :PhotonicsResearch | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:joshua0138
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When light propagates through the edge or middle part of a microparticle’s incoming interface, there is a basic rule that light converges and diverges rapidly or slowly at the output port. These two parts are referred to as the region of rapid change (RRC) and region of slow change (RSC), respectively. Finding the boundary point between RRC and RSC is the key to reveal and expound upon this rule scientifically. Based on the correlation between light convergence–divergence and the slope of emergent light, combined with the relationship between a natural logarithm and growth in physical reality and the second derivative of a function in practical significance, we determine the boundary point between RRC and RSC, namely, the inflection point. From such a perspective, a photonic nanojet (PNJ) and near-field focusing by light irradiation on RSC and RRC, as well as the position of the inflection point under different refractive index contrasts and the field distribution of light focusing, are studied with finite-element-method-based numerical simulation and ray-optics-based theoretical analysis. By illuminating light of different field intensity ratios to the regions divided by the inflection point, we demonstrate the generation of a photonic hook (PH) and the modulation of PNJ/PH in a new manner.
以纳秒Nd:YAG脉冲激光器三倍频(355 nm)激光抽运的染料激光器为激发光源,在484~520 nm波长范围内,采用共振增强多光子离化光谱(REMPI)方法,对H2S分子里德堡序列的能级特性进行了实验研究,得到了谱峰间隔随激光波长增长而呈近二倍变化的两套谱峰序列嵌套而成的规则序列。该谱峰序列对应于H2S分子的里德堡序列激发。依据H2S分子低位激发电子态及里德堡序列的势能高度,可将离化过程确定为五光子4 1离化过程。并将所得到强谱峰序列归属为集结于态的np(n=5,6,7,8)里德堡序列,将弱谱峰序列归
数值计算了LBO晶体中基频光波长为1064 nm时,在I类倍频相位匹配范围内所有匹配方向上慢、快光的走离角、互作用角和折射率。基频慢光的走离角范围为0°~1.35°,倍频快光的走离角范围为0°~1.52°,慢快光互作用角范围为0°~1.15°;在不忽略三波走离角、互作用角以及折射率的变化的情况下,数值求解了三波耦合波方程及在各相位匹配方向上倍频转化效率随通光长度的变化规律。结果表明,在匹配方向约为(42.2°,19°)时转化效率达到极大值,约为3.35%。在每一匹配角方向上,其转化效率与通光长度的平方成正
采用粒直径为4.4 nm 的PbSe 量子点及紫外(UV)固化胶,制备了掺杂质量浓度为0.1~6.0 mg/mL、不同长度的固态纤芯量子点光纤.通过测量量子点光纤吸收谱,确定了量子点光纤980 nm 波长随掺杂浓度和光纤长度变化的吸收截面.测量了量子点光纤的光致荧光(PL)谱,其峰值光强随掺杂浓度和光纤长度变化,存在一个与最大峰值强度对应的掺杂浓度和光纤长度.实验结果有助于对PbSe量子点光纤放大器和激光器的进一步研究.
利用全量子理论计算方法, 探究了在强度关联耦合下两个二能级原子与单模Pólya态光场相互作用系统中原子线性熵粒子布局数反转以及信息熵压缩随时间的演化规律.分析了原子初态、光场参量p和r以及Lamb-Dicke参量η对原子线性熵、粒子布局数反转以及信息熵压缩的影响.结果表明:当原子处于不同的初态时, 相互作用系统表现出完全不同的量子特性; 光场参量p增大使得各个物理量振荡周期增大; 光场参量r增大, 使振幅发生变化, 破坏粒子布局数反转崩塌-复原现象以及信息熵压缩效应.
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