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  In New York City’s Times Square half a million 1)jubilant people stand in the freezing cold waiting for the countdown to midnight. And as the stroke of midnight nears, the anticipation of the new year only grows. Something magical is about to happen.
  Dick Clark (Famous Emcee): And you can feel the excitement building as the ball drops and lowers. The bottom of a, you know, a 70 foot flag pole, and it lights up the new year; the noise is deafening. It’s…it’s just overwhelming.
  The Times Square New Year’s Eve Ball is a tradition that dates back to 1907, but celebrating the arrival of the new year is an age-old custom, practiced the world over for thousands and thousands of years.
  Fifty-five miles south of Bagdad in Iraq lie the ruins of the ancient city of Babylon, one of many cities that made up the 93,000 square miles of land once known as 2)Mesopotamia. Here the foundations of the first new year rituals can be traced. The first, an ancient ceremony called Zogmu, dates back to around 2,500 BC.
  Mark Cohen (Calendar Expert): Zog means “the edge,” mu means “the year,” so it’s the edge of the year, when the year turns over. The…it’s not a celebration. Zogmu is a time, mainly an accounting time, when you would end up the year’s 3)ledgers ….
  Also 4)unearthed in Mesopotamia were traces of a second ceremony known today as Akitu. It was a week-long festival celebrating the renewal of the city and its continued prosperity. The festival has worked its way into public imagination as the original New Year’s celebration. But, unlike New Year of today, Akitu occurred twice a year, usually around the time of both the spring and fall 5)equinox, when day and night are equal in length.
  But in many cultures, the ancient calendars still set the dates for traditional festivals, and every culture celebrates its new year in a different way. The Chinese have symbolic feasts and colorful festivals; the Jews, a 6)solemn day of prayer; Hindus light up the night in honor of their goddess; Americans celebrate New Years in their own unique ways with lively parties and free-flowing champagne, colorful parades and football games.
  In the mid-1700s New Yorkers borrowed from Chinese tradition and began using fireworks to welcome the new year. Celebrations got so 7)rowdy that in 1773, the 8)legislature outlawed firecrackers, home-made bombs and the firing of personal shotguns to 9)commemorate all future New Years.
  The 10)Tournament of Roses started on January 1st, 1890, when the members of the Valley Hunt Club in Pasadena, California, decorated their carriages with flowers to celebrate the abundance of ripening oranges.
  It’s a time for rebirth, a day to 11)wipe the slate clean and start all over again; a holiday that is as much about the past as it is about looking ahead.
  五十万民众站在寒气逼人的纽约时代广场, 兴高采烈地等待午夜的新年倒数。随着午夜钟声即将到来,人们对新年的期待就变得越发强烈。不可思议事情即将发生。
  古巴比伦的遗址位于伊拉克巴格达以南55英里处,这古城是这片占地93000平方英里的、曾被称作美索不达米亚地区中众多城市中的一个。第一个新年庆典仪式可以追溯于此。第一个古代庆典称为Zogmu, 源于约公元前2500年。
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