In the long story I’ve read so far, Reincarnation is a work that is unique in purpose and capable of giving people an inherent shock. I was reading this novel while attending the Hengtai Cup Grand Prix. It was unpublished in publications before it was published, so it was unknown. Its author Li Boyong, a secluded southern Jiangxi village, is a tough and quiet writer who has worked hard for years and insisted on his creative work without question. His determination and perseverance are admirable. Prior to the “Reincarnation”, Li Bo-yong once published many short stories and short stories. He wrote two short essays but did not publish it, but he exercised his abilities to master the long stories. The creation of “Reincarnation” was deliberately considered and finished. After a few changes, belong to the profound knowledge of. It’s available, is due to participate in the mountains