我科1985~1991年10月.共收治急性心肌梗塞(AMI)98例,其中不典型AMI14例,介绍如下. 1 以心衰为主征型3例 [病例]刘某,女,75岁.因心悸、气短1个月,加重伴夜间阵发性呼吸困难1h入院.查体:BP21.33/13.33kPa;两肺底可闻湿性罗音.心率110次/min,心音弱、律整,无杂音.心电图示急性广泛前壁心肌梗塞.AMI发生后,心脏泵血功能低下而出现急性左心衰竭,但无心前区疼痛.老年胸痛病人,在劳累或静息时发生严重呼吸困难以及夜间阵发性呼吸困难伴周围水肿,这可能是发生了AMI唯一指征.
Our department from 1985 to 1991 in October .A total of 98 cases of acute myocardial infarction (AMI), of which 14 cases of atypical AMI, are described below.1 Heart failure-based levy 3 cases [Case] Liu, female, 75 years old. Due to heart palpitations, shortness of breath for 1 month, aggravated with paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea 1h admission. Physical examination: BP21.33 / 13.33kPa; two lungs can be heard wet rales. Heart rate 110 beats / min, weak heart, No noise. ECG showed acute extensive anterior myocardial infarction.AmI occurred, the heart pump blood loss and acute left heart failure, but no pain in the heart area.Agentized patients with chest pain, severe fatigue in the fatigue or rest and nighttime Paroxysmal dyspnea with peripheral edema, which may be the only indication of the occurrence of AMI.