办好中国的事情,关键在党,关键在广大党员特别是党的各级领导干部当好“三个代表”。在这个前提下,领导干部才能做到自重、自省、自警、自励,牢固树立正确的世界现、人生观、价值观,以自己人格的力量影响和带领广大群众为实现党的任务而奋斗。 领导干部的人格力量从何而来?概括地说,就是要做到做人要正,从政要勤,为官要廉,为首要严。
The key to running China well is the party and the key is to hold “three represents,” as the majority of party members, especially the leading cadres at all levels in the party. Under this premise, leading cadres can exercise self-respect, self-reflection, self-motivation and self-motivation, firmly establish the correct world outlook, outlook on life and values, and take the power of their own personality to influence and lead the broad masses of people in their struggle for the realization of the party’s task. Where does the leading cadres’ personality force come from? In a nutshell, it is the most important thing to do in order to be honest, diligent and honest.