
来源 :现代情报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zolono188
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情报是人类宝贵的精神财富。我国科技情报工作,在促进国防建设和国民经济建没中发挥了重大的作用。国家实力之间的较量,在很大程度上是情报传播和利用能力的较量。能源、材料、信息,是现代社会的三大支柱,而情报是信息的一个极其重要的领域,是推动现代社会发展最活跃的因素。情报是各级领导制订规划、方针、政策、技术路线和重大项目论证必不可少的科学依据,是了解国内外科技发展动向,掌握先进的科学技术,赶超世界先进水平,加速科研、生产发 Intelligence is the precious spiritual wealth of mankind. China’s scientific and technological intelligence work has played an important role in promoting national defense construction and in building a national economy. The contest between the national strengths is to a large extent a contest between intelligence dissemination and utilization. Energy, materials and information are the three pillars of modern society. Intelligence is an extremely important field of information and the most active factor in promoting the development of modern society. Information is an indispensable scientific basis for leaders at all levels in formulating plans, guidelines, policies, technical routes and major projects. They are to understand the trends of scientific and technological development at home and abroad, grasp advanced science and technology, catch up with and surpass the world’s advanced level, and speed up scientific research and production
A lady says to her doctor,“My husband has a hab it of talking in his sleep!What should I give him to cure it?”The doctor replies,“Give him an opportunity to
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心房颤动 (atrialfibrllation ,AF ,房颤 )是临床最常见的心律失常 ,可引起血流动力学恶化 ,是缺血性脑卒中的主要原因之一[1] ,其发生率与年龄呈正相关[2 ] ,6 0岁以上人群
如果用风景、历史来作比较,洛杉矶大概只能被淹没在浩瀚的世界里。不过因为有了电影,有了好莱坞,这里便一下子投映出无比耀眼的光芒,吸引了无数做明星梦的人们争相来这里碰运气,即便大多数人只能接到三流导演的邀请。  初到洛杉矶旅游,你大概会不习惯遇到这里形形色色的生活艺术家和狂热的电影爱好者,或者是那些衣着光鲜的时髦女郎,她们化着芭比娃娃般精致的妆容,轻啜着小罐可乐,身边簇拥着西装革履的白领先生;抑或是在