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深圳,上个世纪中国人最值得骄傲的一座城市,上个世纪共和国改革开放成果的集中体现。然而,本世纪初,当中国更多的城市逐渐崛起,深圳的“地位”问题成为舆论的关注的焦点。辜晓进,上世纪90年代最早一批深圳移民,现任英文《深圳日报》总编,前《深圳特区报》经济部主任。辜晓进对“深圳危机”一说有着自己的见解。许多在深圳创业的人记忆中至今还保留着许多美好的回忆。深圳曾经辉煌过许多年。但是针对深圳近些年的表现,许多人批评之声渐起,认为深圳的优势正在逐渐退去,辉煌的时代已经不再了。有一句话说的是80年代看广东,90年代看深圳,20世纪看浦东。我认为现在的情况不像人们想像的那么差。以外贸为例,深圳今年继续第十个年头保持了外贸出口的全国第一。同时深圳的码头吞吐位居世界第6,全国第二,上海老大哥位居第一,但二者的差距在缩小。大家都知道中国有世界制造工厂之说,而中国的IT制造业深圳占了很大的份额。其中,计算机制造和程控交换机制造位居全国第一,此外深圳的玩具和钟表业也底子很厚,深圳钟表业制造份额占到全世界的四分之一,还有世界最大的硬盘生产基地 Shenzhen, the most proud Chinese city in the last century, embodies the fruits of the reform and opening up of the Republic in the last century. However, at the turn of the century, as more cities in China gradually emerged, the “status” issue in Shenzhen became the focus of public opinion. Gu Xiaoguang, the earliest batch of Shenzhen immigrants in the 90s of last century, is currently the chief editor of the English-language “Shenzhen Daily” and the former director of the Ministry of Economic Affairs of Shenzhen Special Zone Daily. Gu Xiaoguang has his own opinion on the “Shenzhen crisis.” Many people who start a business in Shenzhen still retain many beautiful memories. Shenzhen has been brilliant for many years. However, in response to the performance of Shenzhen in recent years, many people have been criticized for its rising popularity. They think that the advantages of Shenzhen are gradually receding, and that the glorious era has ceased. There is a saying that is seen in Guangdong in the 1980s, Shenzhen in the 1990s and Pudong in the 20th century. I do not think the situation is as bad as people think. Taking foreign trade as an example, Shenzhen continued to hold the number one spot in the country for its tenth year of export this year. At the same time Shenzhen terminal throughput ranked sixth in the world, second in the country, Shanghai Big Brother ranked first, but the gap between the two narrowed. Everyone knows that China has a manufacturing factory in the world, and Shenzhen, China’s IT-manufacturing industry, has a large share. Among them, the computer manufacturing and program-controlled switches manufacturing ranks first in the country, in addition Shenzhen’s toys and watch industry is also a solid foundation, the Shenzhen watch industry manufacturing share accounted for a quarter of the world, as well as the world’s largest hard disk production base
12月15日下午,北京首钢队在新建的主馆首钢篮球中心,占尽天时、地利、人和,以108:80战胜因伤缺阵胡卫东的江苏南钢队,把胜利的快乐奉献给京城的广大球迷们。 On the aftern
冷杉枯梢病菌(Gremmeniella abietina(Lagerb.)M.Morelet)是我国进境植物检疫性有害生物,中国无分布。本文从分布、寄主、危害、形态特征、生物学特性、检疫及鉴定方法等方面
患者女,42岁.因体检时B超发现卵巢瘤于2002年6月10日入院.患者一般状态良好.妇科检查:子宫前位,约手拳大小,质地中等,无明显压痛,活动尚可.双侧附件区均可触及表面光滑,软,活动尚可的肿物,左、右侧附件区肿物分别为鸡卵和鸭卵大小.B超示:左附件区探及5.6 cm×4.1 cm无回声液性暗区,其内可见2.6 cm×1.2 cm实质性强回声,包膜较完整的肿物.右附件区探及8.8 cm×6.1 c