膑骨软骨软化症是一种在青少年中常见的运动损伤,特别是从事跑、跳频繁的运动项目:如篮球、排球等项目比较多见。现就美国矫形外科界一些学者对此病的致病原因、诊断治疗等方面的观点简单介绍一下: 一、致病原因关于此病的致病原因:目前各种观点不一致,有的认为与外伤有关、如膑骨外侧脱位、因脱位的剪力不仅产生软骨的损伤,也常引起膑骨软骨骨折:当膑骨受到直接的暴力打击时,如摔倒、或撞击在硬物上,膑骨因外力,其关节软骨与股骨髁的关节软骨相撞击。当这种力量超过膑骨软骨最大承受的压力(55newtons/mm~2)时、软骨就发生损伤。然而,绝大多数的膑骨软骨软化症的患者,常无上述明显的受伤史。在这种无明显受伤史的患者中,一致认为膝关节半屈位,由于股四头肌的收缩,
Tarsal cartilage softening is a common sports injury in adolescents, especially in running, jumping frequent sports: such as basketball, volleyball and other projects are more common. Now on the United States, some scholars of orthopedic surgery cause of the disease, diagnosis and treatment aspects of the point of view briefly: First, the cause of the disease Pathogenesis of the disease: the current view is inconsistent, and some believe that trauma Related, such as the lateral dislocation of the stapes, because of the dislocation of the shear force not only produce cartilage damage, but also often cause tarsal cartilage fracture: When the tarsal by direct violence against, such as falling, or impact on a hard object, tarsal Due to external forces, its articular cartilage and femoral condyle articular cartilage impact. When this force exceeds the maximum stress of the cartilage cartilage (55newtons / mm ~ 2), cartilage damage occurs. However, the vast majority of patients with tarsal chondromalacia often have no apparent history of injury. In patients with no history of apparent injuries, it was agreed that knee hallux flexion, due to contraction of the quadriceps,