《宁夏黄灌区黑光灯下昆虫名录》是我们多年来在教学、科学研究及生产实践中积累的标本和资料整理而成的。目前区内未见此类内容的报道,故可供我区生产、科学研究及教学工作者们的参考。 名录共记载有昆虫183种,分害虫和益虫两大类。其中害虫有6目38科151种;益虫有5目11科32种。每种昆虫记有学名、中名、寄主、发生时间和发生数量。发生数量用分级法表示,即每晚诱集虫子数1—10头记为“+”,11—50头记为“++”,50头以上记为“+++”。 观察工作一般年份从3月上旬开始至11月上旬结束,在此期间内诱集虫子并作系统的记载观察。
The “Insect List under Black Light in Yellow Irrigation Area of Ningxia” is a collection of specimens and materials that we have accumulated in teaching, scientific research and production practices over the years. At present, there is no such report in the district, so it can be used as a reference for production, scientific research and teaching workers in our district. The directory contains a total of 183 species of insects, insects and beneficial insects divided into two categories. There are 6 orders, 38 families and 151 species of pests; there are 5 orders, 11 families and 32 kinds of beneficial insects. Each insect records scientific name, name, host, time of occurrence and the number of occurrences. The number of occurrences by grading, that is, the number of insects trapped 1-10 per night as “+”, 11-50 head record “++”, 50 or more as “+++.” The general year of observation began from early March to early November, during which period insects were trapped and systematically observed.