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  For each person, there must be a time that was the nicest time in his or her life.
  For me, my nicest time came when I was eight. It was on a spring night. Somehow, I woke up suddenly and saw the golden moonlight spread across the ground before my bed. Everything was sleeping in the silence, with not a single sound. The scent of pear flowers and 1)honeysuckle filled the warm air of the room.
  I got up, lifted my feet, went out of the house lightly, and closed the door behind me. My mother was sitting on the steps in front of the front door. She looked up at me and smiled. I sat near her, and she held me with one arm. The whole village sat in silence; the lights had been turned down, and the only light was tender moonlight. In the distance, about one mile away, the woods formed a dark castle. The dog ran to us across the grass and lied down in a comfortable gesture, spread on all fours with a satisfied groan, and put its head on my mother’s foot. We stayed in stillness, enjoying the moonlight.
  However, the world of the woods was not so quiet; the noise made by hares, small squirrels and 2)eutamias asiaticus broke the stillness now and then as they jumped and laughed. In the shadow of the garden, all the flowers and plants were growing softly.
  The red peach blossom, the white pear flowers, all would 3)wither and fall, but the fruits would be left. The 4)cyan creeper had blooming, bright yellow flowers, which were filled with sweet honey, waiting for the coming of bees in the morning. It would not be a long time before you could see many sweet melons. In this endless silence, life, this mysterious miracle, could not be touched or heard. Nature is almighty.
  An eight-year-old child would not think so much or so deep. He might not know exactly what he was enjoying on this charming night. He was fascinated by one little star on the treetop of a white pine, his little heart full of joy when he heard the amazing song of one lovely bird who was singing in the treetop 5)shrouded by the light. A sense of safety surrounded him when he touched his mother’s hand.
  The earth is spinning; life is full of energy; the river is flowing. Maybe everything was 6)inexplicable, but he had been aware of the fact that this was life, this was the nicest moment.
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