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周老师: 我的孩子学习钢琴已有一年多了。他平常很喜欢唱唱跳跳,也喜欢在人前表演、弹奏,但是一上课时他就情绪不高,我们为此做过许多工作,不但没效果而且越来越没有积极性了。因此与老师配合得也不好。他的老师说是因为他没有学习动机,为什么会这样呢? Teacher Zhou: My child has been studying the piano for more than a year. He likes singing and dancing very much. He also likes to play and play in front of people. However, he was not emotionally charged in class. We have done a lot of work to this end, not only with no effect but also with less enthusiasm. So with the teacher too bad. Why did his teacher say it because he did not learn motivation?