印第安那一直都是一个篮球重地,这里曾诞生过很多篮球名宿,也有很多让人印象深刻的球星曾效力于此。在N BA的历史上,步行者队绝对是一个历史悠久的球队。在这里效力过的球员们曾创造过很多令人瞠目结舌的奇迹。而在更早一些的时候、也就是ABA时代.步行者队则是一个3夺总冠军的王朝之师。而在那个王朝时代里,梅尔·丹尼尔斯无疑是整个球队的带动者,也是其中最让人印象深刻的球星之一。不过,在新的赛季刚开始之时,步行者队便传出噩耗。这位印第安那名宿,名人堂成员.三次ABA总冠军.两次ABA最有价值球员.生涯共7次入选全明星的梅尔·丹尼尔斯在印第安那的谢里丹去世.
Indiana has always been a basketball arena, where many basketball stars have been born, there are many impressive players have played for this. In the history of N BA, the Pacers is definitely a historic team. Players who have played here have created a staggering number of miracles. Earlier, the ABA, the Pacers are a 3-championship dynasty. In that dynasty, Meyer Daniels was undoubtedly one of the most impressive players on the team. However, at the beginning of the new season, the Pacers pass bad news. The Indiana star, a member of the Hall of Fame, three ABA championships, two ABA MVPs and seven career All-Star Meryl Daniels died in Sheridan, Indiana.