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2016年暑期“部编本”教材培训会议上,教材编者们共同谈到了现行教材在编排上的弊端,如:基本上都是单篇短文,按主题设置单元结构;多照顾到人文性,而忽略了语文教学的规律;只考虑所选课文是否适合本单元主题,难以照顾到本单元应当学习哪些知识、训练哪些能力,语文教学也就失去了必要的梯度。叶圣陶先生曾指出:“现在的精读教材全是单篇短章,各体各派,应有尽有。从好的方面 In the summer of 2016, the textbook training sessions of textbook and textbook editors talked about the shortcomings of the existing teaching materials in the layout, such as: basically, they are all single essays, and the unit structure is set according to the theme; more attention is given to the humanism , Ignoring the laws of Chinese teaching; only considering whether the selected text is suitable for the theme of this unit, it is difficult to take care of what knowledge should be learned in this unit and which skills are to be trained, the necessary gradient of Chinese teaching is lost. Mr. Ye Shengtao once pointed out: ”Now all the intensive reading materials are all short chapters, all kinds of parties, everything. From the good side
青春不是一段年華,而是一种心境……电影《中国合伙人》是一部根据真人真事改编的励志故事,故事讲述教育机构“新梦想”的三位创始人艰辛的创业历程,以及他们的苦尽甘来。  片尾出现了不少商界大腕,让人想起了机场书店电视里循环播放的那些贩卖“成功学”的人。难道梦想的终点,一定是“成功”地当上行业大佬?有意思的是,在《中国合伙人》的片尾字幕里,制片人一栏竟然有田朴珺的名字,就是那个在长江商学院伴随王石的女人,