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白岩松1968年8月出生在内蒙古一个边陲小城。8岁那年,做教师的父亲不幸因病去世,母亲用柔弱的双肩坚强地挑起了家庭的重担,含辛茹苦地把他和哥哥拉扯成人。1985年,白岩松以优异成绩考入北京广播学院新闻系,大学毕业被分配到中央人民广 Bai Yansong was born in August 1968 in a border town in Inner Mongolia. At the age of eight, when her father, who was a teacher, unfortunately passed away due to illness, her mother flexibly shouldered the family burdens on her weak shoulders and pulled him and her elder brother adult. In 1985, Bai Yansong admitted to the Beijing Broadcasting Institute journalism with outstanding achievements, college graduation was assigned to the Central People’s Government
Following the implementation of the strictest clean air policies to date in Beijing,the physic-ochemical characteristics and sources of PM2.5 have changed over