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六月二十八日,首都北京将举行我国十三世紀伟大戏剧家关汉卿戏剧創作七百年的紀念大会。在世界和平大会理事会的倡議下,今年全世界爱好人类优秀文化遺产、热心于世界和平友誼的伟大事业的人民,将和我国人民一起,热烈地紀念这位世界文化名人。关汉卿的戏剧創作活动开始在金末,主要在元初。那是个黑暗动乱的时代。宋、金之間的战爭,蒙古和金、宋的战爭,使人民处于水深火热之中。长期的战乱之后,蒙古奴隶主貴族統一了中国,建立了元帝国。随着这新的統治者血腥的鎮压和残酷的剝削以俱来的,是連年不断、声势浩大的人民的武装起义。压迫和反压迫的斗爭火花,照亮了整个元代的历史。元代統冶阶級一方面实行“尊孔崇儒”的政策,牢笼一些士大夫阶級为其作鷹犬,用作統治人民的工具。另一方面废除科举制度达八十年之久,使当时的讀書人失掉了为封建統治服务的进身之阶,使他們实际上降为“七匠、八娼、九儒、十丐”的低微地位。在这一政策下,知識界分化为三类人,一类投靠权貴,进入庙堂,成为封建統治阶級;一类頹废消極, On June 28, the capital Beijing will hold a commemorative meeting of 700 years for the dramatic drama of Guan Hanqing, a great dramatist of the 13th century in our country. At the initiative of the Council of the World Peace Congress this year, the people of this world, who love the excellent cultural heritage of mankind and are enthusiastic about the great cause of world peace and friendship, will warmly commemorate this world famous cultural figure with our people. Guan Hanqing’s drama creation began at the end of Jin Dynasty, mainly in the early Yuan Dynasty. It was an era of dark turmoil. The war between Song and Jin, the war between Mongolia and Kim and Song, kept the people in dire straits. After a long period of war, the Mongolian slave nobles unified China and established the Yuan Empire. As the bloody repression and brutal exploitation of this new ruler have come, it is an armed uprising that has been perennial and massive. The struggle of oppression and oppression sparks the history of the entire Yuan Dynasty. On the one hand, the vassals of the Yuan Dynasty practiced the policy of “respecting Confucianism, Confucianism, and Confucianism,” and held some scholar-officials as their dogs to serve as tools for ruling the people. On the other hand, abolishing the system of imperial examination for eight decades, the then scholar lost the order of service to serve the feudal rule so that they would actually be reduced to the low level of “Seven Carpenters, Eight Prostitutes, Nine Confucians, Ten Beggars” status. Under this policy, the intelligentsia is divided into three types of people. One type of refugees and elites go to the temple and become the feudal ruling class. The decadent,
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