采用系统观察方法对红河流域木薯主产区木薯褐斑病发生和流行规律进行研究,结果表明:病害在木薯生长前期5月份开始发病,生长中、后期的7月份后病情呈明显上升,9、10月份达到最高峰,危害率达100%,病情指数20.50~30.77;下游区域的病情>中游>上游,病情的周年消长和区域性差异主要是降雨量和湿度的影响;高海拔区域(350~400 m)病情高于低海拔区域(250~300 m),这与高海拔区域气温相对偏低有关。
The systematic observation method was used to study the occurrence and prevalence of brown spot of cassava in the main cassava producing areas in the Honghe River Basin. The results showed that the disease started to develop in the early stage of cassava growth in May, Reaching the peak in October with the hazard rate of 100% and the disease index of 20.50 to 30.77; the condition of the lower reaches> the middle reaches> the upper reaches of the upper reaches. The annual variation and regional differences of the disease were mainly influenced by rainfall and humidity. 400 m) was higher than that in the low altitude (250-300 m), which was related to the relatively low temperature in the high altitude area.