【摘 要】
Combining the sectoral accounting method of the System of National Accounts(SNA) with new statistical materials from the United Nations, as well as historical r
【机 构】
Guangxi Normal University,International Institute of Social History,Utrecht University,
Combining the sectoral accounting method of the System of National Accounts(SNA) with new statistical materials from the United Nations, as well as historical research into various countries around the world, this paper arrives at an estimate of value added of Chinese and world industries between 1850 and 2012. In doing so, we not only modify past work by Paul Bairoch, but also arrive at significantly different conclusions about China’s position in world industrialization.
Combining the sectoral accounting method of the System of National Accounts (SNA) with new statistical materials from the United Nations, as well as historical research into various countries around the world, this paper arrives at an estimate of value added of Chinese and world industries between 1850 and 2012. In doing so, we not only modify past work by Paul Bairoch, but also arrive significantly in different conclusions about China’s position in world industrialization.
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An unscrupulous
在加拿大蒙特利尔的一个类似北京新光天地、上海恒隆广场的商场里,商场经理在介绍自己的客户群时说,他们大多花的都是“Old Money”。那是2000年左右,我第一次听到Old Money