2001年底,中国广播影视集团和中广影视传输网络公司相继挂牌成立,可以说是广电发展史上的两件大事。 中广影视传输网络公司是在原国家广电总局广播影视信息网络中心、卫星传播中心和中广影视卫星公司的资产和业务基础上重组设立而成。公司以广播影视业务为主业,同时大力发展视频点播服务、
By the end of 2001, China Radio, Film and Television Group and China Guangdong Video Transmission Network Company have been listed one after another, can be said that the history of radio and television in the history of the two major events. China Guangdong Television Transmission Network Company was established on the basis of the assets and business of the former SARFT Radio, Film and Television Network Center, Satellite Communication Center and China Guangdong Video Television Satellite Company. Company to radio and television business based industry, while Vigorously develop video on demand service,