许多年轻的家长对孩子倾注了全身心的爱,寸步不离孩子左右,无微不至地照顾着他们。但有些意外事情的发生却是家长始料不及的。因此,要做个明智的家长,就要在日常生活中注意培养孩子应付意外事件的能力,具体说来,就是做到以下“五认”: 认家家长带孩子去商场购物,或节假日带孩子外出游玩,常发生孩子走失的情况。因此,家长应在孩子开始懂事时起,就教他记住自己的家庭住址、父母的姓名和工作单位,以及常用的电话号码,并反复强化,以达到熟记的程度。
Many young parents have devoted their children their wholehearted love. They are not far from their children and take great care of them. However, some accidents happen but unexpected parents. Therefore, in order to be a wise parent, attention should be paid to cultivating children’s ability to cope with unexpected events in their daily life. Specifically, they are to achieve the following “five recognitions”: recognizing parents taking children to shopping at shopping centers or bringing children on holidays Go out to play, often happen when the child is lost. Therefore, parents should teach them to remember their home address, their parents’ name and place of employment, and their usual phone numbers as the child begins to understand something, and repeatedly reinforce it in order to achieve the level of familiarity.