非语言交际是整个交际中不可缺少的部分 ,因为非语言符号在一定意义上比语言符号能传递更多信息量 ,更能判断感情真假。我国加入WTO也对跨文化非语言交际能力提出了迫切要求。跨文化非语言交际能力培养的主要途径是 :对母语和目的语非语言交际方式进行对比讨论 ;充分运用现代多媒体手段 ,强调“说”“看”并举 ;创造跨文化交际实践活动 ;全面提升教师的跨文化交际意识及其素养。
Non-verbal communication is an indispensable part of the whole communication, because non-verbal symbol in a certain sense than the language symbol can pass more information, more able to determine the true and false feelings. China’s accession to the WTO also poses an urgent requirement for intercultural non-verbal communication skills. The main approaches to cultivating intercultural non-verbal communication skills are: to discuss and contrast non-verbal communication between mother tongue and target language; to make full use of modern multimedia means to emphasize “talking” and “seeing”; to create intercultural communication practice; Intercultural Communication Consciousness and Literacy.