滑动轴承-稳定工况下流体动压径向滑动轴承——第三部分 圆柱轴承计算中的许用工作参数

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1、应用范围 在按照“文件N32第一部分”中给出的方法对圆柱轴承进行计算时,为保证轴承工作可靠,最基本的要求就是计算出的工作参数h_0,t_B或t_2及p不能超出许用工作参数h_(olim),t_(Ellm)及p_(1im)。这些许用参数表明了滑动轴承摩擦学系统中,几何及技术方面的工作极限。它们都是经验数据,它们能够保证轴承在受到较小的干扰影响时(参看“文件N32第一部分”中第3节)也能可靠工作。给出的这些经验数据可根据某些特定应用场合加以修正,对制造厂商提供的资料应予以考虑。符号的意义及计算示例在“文件N32第一部分”中给出。 2、限制磨损的工作参数 保证许用最小油膜厚度的目的是要得到完全液体润滑,以使磨损降到最低程度及减少出现破坏的可能性。润滑剂中不能含有污物粒子,否则可能会导致过大的磨损、刮伤及局部过热,这会妨碍轴承正常工作。必要时可安装合适的润滑剂滤清器。 许用最小油膜厚度是判断轴承是否进入混合润滑状态的参数(参看“文件N32第一部分”中的3.7节),它可用下式计算: 1, the scope of application In accordance with the method given in “the first part of the file N32” cylindrical bearing calculation, the most basic requirement is to ensure the bearing work is reliable, the calculated operating parameters h_0, t_B or t_2 and p can not exceed the allowance With working parameters h_ (olim), t_ (Ellm) and p_ (1im). These allowable parameters indicate the geometric and technical limits of operation in tribological systems for plain bearings. They are all empirical data that ensures reliable operation of the bearings when subjected to minor disturbances (see Section 3 in Part N32, Part 1). The empirical data given may be revised for specific applications and information provided by the manufacturer should be taken into account. The meaning of symbols and calculation examples are given in “Part N32 of the document”. 2, wear and tear to limit the operating parameters to ensure the minimum allowable thickness of the film is to be completely liquid lubrication to minimize wear and reduce the possibility of damage. Lubricant can not contain dirt particles, otherwise it may lead to excessive wear, scratches and local overheating, which will hinder the bearing normal work. If necessary, install a suitable lubricant filter. Permissible minimum oil film thickness is a parameter that determines whether the bearing has entered mixed lubrication (refer to Section 3.7 in “Document N32 Part 1”) and can be calculated by the following formula:
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