金秋10月,秋风送爽,到处是一片收获的季节,到处是一派丰收的景象。我们石油石化产业喜悦地收获着提高经济效益和重组改制的丰硕成果,迎来共和国51周年华诞。 站在新世纪的门槛上,回首与共和国一起成长壮大的石油石化创业历程,我们心潮澎湃,激动不已;展望与共和国展翅高飞的石油石化发展前景,我们豪情满怀,壮志凌云。告别今天,我们向更加辉煌的明天奋进!
Autumn in October, autumn cool, everywhere is a harvest season, full of bumper harvest scene. We, the oil and petrochemical industry, rejoice in the joyful harvesting of the fruitful results of enhancing economic efficiency and reorganization and restructuring and ushering in the 51st anniversary of the Republic. We stand on the threshold of the new century and look back on our journey to establish a strong petroleum and petrochemical pioneering course with the Republic. We are excited and excited. Looking forward to the prospects for the development of the petroleum and petrochemical industry soaring up in the Republic, we are full of pride and determination. Say goodbye to today, we forge ahead to a more brilliant tomorrow!