商业企业形象设计,即 CIS(Corporate Identity System),业已引起商界主管的重视并付诸实践,理论界也探讨颇多。可就目前看,对作为商业企业形象代表的商人个体形象的研究,即 PIS(Personal I-dentity System),还是一个新的课题,但却实在是一个不容小视的课题。商人是一个十分宽泛的概念,就广义上看是具有不同层次的群体。其个人形象设计,在此指对商界人士的形象进行整体设计,包括从静态着眼的视觉形象设计 VI(Visual Identity)和动态着眼的行为形象设计 BI(Behavior Identity),以及精神层面的理念形象设计 MI(Mind Identity),本文专述商人的静态视觉形象设计——仪表修饰。它包括的内容主要有:妆饰、着装和佩饰三部分。仪表,是人的外在表象,由容貌、发型、服饰等所构
The corporate identity system (CIS) has attracted the attention of business leaders and put it into practice. The theoretical community has also explored a lot. At present, the study of the individual image of a businessman as a representative of the image of a commercial enterprise, or PIS (Personal I-Density System), is still a new topic, but it is indeed a topic that cannot be overlooked. A businessman is a very broad concept. In a broad sense, it is a group with different levels. Its personal image design, in this case, refers to the overall design of the image of the business people, including the static visual image design VI (Visual Identity) and dynamic behavioral image design (Behavior Identity), as well as the spiritual level of the concept of image design. MI (Mind Identity), this article focuses on the static visual image design of merchants - instrument modification. It includes three parts: makeup, dress and accessories. Instrumentation is the external appearance of human beings. It consists of looks, hairstyles, and costumes.