庆大霉素近年来应用日益普遍,剂量亦越用越大,国内陆续有发生严重的不良反应的报告。我院今年曾收治一例因肌肉注射庆大霉素致过敏性紫癜并颅内出血。现报告如下: 患儿男性,10个月。入院前因腹泻4次在基层卫生所肌肉注射庆大霉素2万单位,共2次。次晨发现患儿全身有大小不等的出血点,双下肢尤为显著,并
In recent years, the application of gentamicin is more and more common, with the greater the dose, the more serious domestic adverse reactions have been reported. This year, our hospital admitted to a case of intramuscular injection of gentamicin-induced allergic purpura and intracranial hemorrhage. The report is as follows: Children with children, 10 months. 4 times before admission due to diarrhea in the primary health clinic intramuscular injection of gentamicin 20,000 units, a total of 2 times. The next morning found that children with body size ranging from the bleeding point, especially in both lower extremities, and