以往给连动式分类多从句法角度入手 ,划分标准主要依据形式特点 ,同时参照意义内容。本文拟从语义分析入手 ,划分连动式的语义类型。典型连动式的语表形式是“NV1 V2 ”,V1 、V2 有时有时间意义上的语义关系 ,有时没有这种关系。我们称有时间语义关系的连动式为“时类”连动式
In the past, it started from the perspective of syntactic classification, and the criteria for classification were mainly based on the formal characteristics and meanwhile referring to the meaning. This article intends to start with the semantic analysis, the division of linked semantic types. The typical form of dynamic linguistic form is “NV1 V2”. Sometimes V1 and V2 sometimes have semantic relations in the sense of time, and sometimes they are not related. We call the time-semantic relationship of the linked type “class” linked