In the early Qing Dynasty, Urumqi presented the settlement pattern of Dihua Seoul, Gonginongcheng, Chenggongcheng and Chengguan settlements and rural settlements. It created an inclusive social space around the social life generated by the Taoist temples and temples, and formed a social pattern in which many ethnic residents lived together. , And the sacred and secular social landscape. Urumqi temples and temples throughout the urban and rural Buddhist temples and open cycle of temple activities to gather all types of social gatherings for multiethnic residents to create production and social opportunities for life and objectively create a social and cultural integration of the natural history mechanism. The folk beliefs carried by the Temple of Taoist Temples in Urumqi care for people’s life and death, and there exists the interaction between the sacred experience on the other side and the secular experience on the shores in various kinds of immortal structures, forming the prosperous social life style in frontier cities.